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Game info: Nuclear Crane Parking

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Description: Looking for a new challenge online? How about a flash driving challenge with a crane and some nuclear bombs?Thinks you are up for this risky job? Handling a big nuclear weapon is a lot of responsibility, so you will need a huge crane and you must use all your skills to make it through. So use your arrow keys to drive your vehicle and your space bar to brake, your Q and E keys to move your crane left and right, your T key to pick things up and your Y key to drop them down. Follow the arrow that appears on the screen and pick up the nuclear bomb and them move it to the suggested location. So have fun here on vitalitygames with this new game from greatcargames and all 8 levels and nuclear bombs. Do your best and be the best driver from this new nuclear crane parking games, and be the hero in saving your city from nuclear accidents. So have fun and finish all levels to win the war and the game. Have a blast!
Tags: tagnuclear crane parking tagcrane games tagnew crane games tag3d unity crane games tagparking cranes tagnuclear cranes tagplay online nuclear crane parking tagnuclear crane parking games tagnuclear crane parking game

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