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Game info: Punch Boxing Championship

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Play now updated Punch Boxing Championship game only on BrightyGames!
is a brutal and physically demanding sport. It is popular amongst the general public in its watching and doing forms. We'd like to introduce you to "Boxing Championship," a game that will give you a taste of the same excitement real-life boxers have just before entering the ring. Get ready to go from beginner to professional boxer.
The game itself is very close to reality. In it, you will see a beautiful and careful animation, and you will be able to experience all types of boxing punches: uppercut, hook, and straight. To be in the middle of everything that happens in the ring. Remember that success does not come naturally; it must be earned.
What is the Punch Boxing Championship, and how to play it?
Quick Battle, Tournament, and Career modes are all playable in this game. Pick the best one, and rule the sporting world. Keep in mind that you have access to a vast array of offensive options; use these options in tandem with one another, launch counterattacks, and do everything you can to prevent damage from your opponent.
You have to win and try to do it by knockout if possible. You are paid after each bout, and the more money you make, the better fighter you can hire. Aside from becoming more capable, he will also be more resilient. In addition, you may equip them with gloves the lighter the gloves, the more rapidly he attacks. Try your hand at tournaments if you've honed your skills enough in rapid battles in a professional setting. There are four levels of increasing difficulty to complete. Take the boxing world by storm and become a household name by winning everything. Best of luck in the game and with the fighting!

Release Date    July 2018
Updated On     21.02.2025
Naruto 3D Fighting game


Inlogic Software developed the Punch Boxing Championship game with html5 technology.
Check the video instructions of the Punch Boxing Championship online here on

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